Writing an Attorney Website Profile That Generates Leads

By SLS Consulting on May 30, 2024

First impressions are a big deal. And research demonstrates that a legal website’s Profile Page plays a major role in converting visitors into leads. That’s why it’s so important for your legal website to have a well-crafted Profile Page that goes beyond providing basic information.

Potential clients aren’t just searching for legal advice — they’re looking for someone they can trust to help them make it through a difficult time. So you’ll want to connect with visitors by addressing their concerns and establishing your authority in your field.Hands typing on a laptop next to a coffee. Read the rest »

Digital Marketing for Wrongful Death Attorneys

By SLS Consulting on May 15, 2024

In today’s legal industry, implementing client-focused marketing strategies is crucial for wrongful death lawyers who want to stand out among the competition and attract new clients. Your online presence is often the first encounter potential clients have with your firm, so it’s vital to make a strong professional impression. By presenting a polished and authoritative digital presence, you reassure clients that you are capable of handling their cases with the skill and professionalism they deserve.A collaborative team meeting from a birds eye view. Read the rest »

Why Do So Many Clients Come Back to SLS Consulting, Inc.?

By SLS Consulting on April 30, 2024

We have a high client retention rate at SLS Consulting, Inc. But sometimes, clients decide that a different marketing firm might better serve their interests. When this happens, we wish the client well. We also remind departing clients that the door is always open if they wish to return.

Many of the clients who leave SLS Consulting, Inc., eventually come back to us after discovering that the grass isn’t always greener elsewhere. How does SLS Consulting, Inc., maintain such a high level of customer loyalty? We build enduring business relationships by treating people with respect, listening to their concerns, and delivering tangible results.A logo sign that reads " Why do so many clients come back to sls consulting?" Read the rest »

Posted in: Ask SLS

The Benefit of Lawyer Directories for Your Law Firm

By SLS Consulting on April 15, 2024

Lawyer directories are a powerful tool for amplifying your law firm’s online visibility. With the ability to be easily searchable by practice area, location, and other categories, these directories provide a valuable platform that helps potential clients discover your services.

In the competitive world of legal marketing, you need every advantage you can get to increase your online presence and boost your law firm to the top of Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Legal directories are a powerful tool for enhancing SEO and improving your website’s Domain Authority.A cartoon purple notebook directory. Read the rest »

Seasonal Blogs To Attract Leads and Enhance Your Brand

By SLS Consulting on March 30, 2024

Seasonal content related to celebrating holidays and other annual events can be an effective tool for directing traffic to your website and enhancing goodwill in the local community. But it’s always important to remember that the primary objective of your legal website is to attract visitors seeking your services and converting these visitors into leads.

A visitor becomes a lead when they call your office or leave you their contact information. That’s why you’ll want to feature your phone number prominently on all website pages and blogs. It’s also important to provide submission forms for visitors who may not have time to call your office.

The most effective seasonal content will focus on topics that relate directly to services that your law firm provides, such as DUIs caused by seasonal drinking, injuries that occur during holiday weekends, and visitation and custody issues that come up during Christmas and summer breaks.A cartoon of a blog Read the rest »

Hosting Local Events To Get Leads and Improve Law Firm SEO

By SLS Consulting on March 15, 2024

An effective digital marketing strategy starts with a well-designed website that tells people who you are and what you can do to solve their problems. If your website is technically sound, informative, and pleasant to look at, it will attract visitors who are seeking your services in Google queries.

But your law firm isn’t just a website – your firm is made up of real people, and you’re a vibrant part of the local community. Everything you do to increase visibility and promote goodwill among your friends and neighbors will engender trust and enhance your brand.

When you have a well-integrated digital marketing strategy, you can use your website, social media channels, and other online resources to publicize local events and activities that you sponsor or take part in. And by improving your profile in the local community, the local activities you engage in will expand your digital footprint.An outdoor community event with multiple tables and tents. Read the rest »

Posted in: Marketing Tips

The Pros and Cons of OOH Billboard Advertising for Law Firms

By SLS Consulting on February 20, 2024

Recent changes in technology have dramatically increased advertising options for law firms. A well-coordinated digital marketing strategy provides several advantages, including the ability to connect with people in your area who are already seeking your services.

In today’s world, law firms that fail to adopt a digital marketing strategy are missing out on a vital source of new leads. But traditional marketing channels, like print, flyers, direct mail, and billboards still have their place. Depending on your goals, you may wish to use billboards as part of an integrated marketing strategy, especially if you are in a large market and you’re practicing in a competitive field, such as personal injury law.

It’s important to remember that billboards have some serious drawbacks–they’re costly, poorly targeted, and only allow you to convey a small amount of information. You’ll definitely want to consult with your digital marketing agency before investing in a billboard campaign.A cartoon purple billboard. Read the rest »

Posted in: Marketing Tips

Helping Clients Give You a Positive Review or Testimonial

By SLS Consulting on February 10, 2024

According to Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines (SQRG), trustworthiness is an important factor used to calibrate the algorithms that determine how your legal website will rank in Google search engine queries. Positive client reviews on Google Reviews, Yelp, and other rating sites will enhance your firm’s reputation and increase the likelihood that your website will appear at the top of the page in Google search engine results pages (SERPs). You can also solicit video testimonials directly from clients.

Positive reviews and testimonials may be used on your website and across marketing channels to provide social proof that will increase trustworthiness and encourage new clients to choose your law firm. But there are some clients out there who may have difficulty providing you with a positive review or testimonial for technical reasons. Perhaps they don’t have a Google or Yelp account, or maybe they don’t know how to record a video and share it with you.

Fortunately, there are easy ways to assist clients who want to give you a positive review.

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Posted in: Online Review Sites

Protecting Your Law Firm from Social Media Spam

By SLS Consulting on January 20, 2024

Spam is any type of unsolicited message sent in bulk over the internet. Spam messages may be received via text, email, in a website comments section, or as a direct message (DM) to your social media account.

In most cases, spamming is used to attract website traffic, but it can also be used for malicious purposes such as scams, phishing, and spreading viruses or other types of malware.A cartoon graphic of a spam call on a smartphone. Read the rest »

DIY Marketing Tips for Lawyers

By SLS Consulting on January 10, 2024

Recent advances in technology have dramatically expanded marketing options for law firms. It’s not like the old days when all you had to do was place an ad in the Yellow Pages and wait for the calls to come rolling in.

Digital marketing provides exciting opportunities to connect with the people in your area who are already seeking your services—but it can feel intimidating at times due to the slew of concepts and terminology you may not be familiar with.A infographic of a computer with a settings logo and other SEO tips.

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