That’s right…I survived COVID-19. It was probably the worst illness I’ve ever had and the effects last close to five weeks, but then you are done with it and it’s time to move on. I don’t recommend getting it and I don’t recommend panicking during this time of uncertainty. If you do, your law firm may not survive. This is the time for action. There is a tremendous opportunity for you now. Be a survivor and come out stronger than ever when this pandemic passes.
I’ve been marketing lawyers for over 35 years, with 21 of those as the Founder and CEO of SLS Consulting, Inc. I’ve seen a lot of changes in the world of legal marketing in that time. SLS and our clients have been through a lot in those 21 years. We have learned to pivot our marketing strategies and methodologies to continue to create leads for our clients in fast-changing times, and this new situation is no exception.
The most important thing you need to do now is to take advantage of the current opportunities and stand out from the crowd, so when we go back to some semblance of normalcy and the surge happens, you are on the minds of potential clients when they need representation.
If you have decided to sit back and relax during this time instead of taking action, you are already behind. Many law firms will die during this time. Those are the firms that decided to “wait and see” instead of taking charge.
Life will return to normal (or maybe a new normal). People will resume their regular activities. People will need lawyers more than ever coming out of the Stay-at-Home orders. The lawyers they will remember are those that took the initiative during this time to be proactive. The lawyers that reached out to help their communities. The lawyers they kept seeing online who were giving helpful hints and encouragement.
If you are ready to take action and help your law firm survive “The Rona,” give me a call at (323) 254-1510. Let’s talk about making your firm a survivor!
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