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Writing an Attorney Website Profile That Generates Leads

By SLS Consulting on May 30, 2024

First impressions are a big deal. And research demonstrates that a legal website’s Profile Page plays a major role in converting visitors into leads. That’s why it’s so important for your legal website to have a well-crafted Profile Page that goes beyond providing basic information.

Potential clients aren’t just searching for legal advice — they’re looking for someone they can trust to help them make it through a difficult time. So you’ll want to connect with visitors by addressing their concerns and establishing your authority in your field.Hands typing on a laptop next to a coffee. Read the rest »

Seasonal Blogs To Attract Leads and Enhance Your Brand

By SLS Consulting on March 30, 2024

Seasonal content related to celebrating holidays and other annual events can be an effective tool for directing traffic to your website and enhancing goodwill in the local community. But it’s always important to remember that the primary objective of your legal website is to attract visitors seeking your services and converting these visitors into leads.

A visitor becomes a lead when they call your office or leave you their contact information. That’s why you’ll want to feature your phone number prominently on all website pages and blogs. It’s also important to provide submission forms for visitors who may not have time to call your office.

The most effective seasonal content will focus on topics that relate directly to services that your law firm provides, such as DUIs caused by seasonal drinking, injuries that occur during holiday weekends, and visitation and custody issues that come up during Christmas and summer breaks.A cartoon of a blog Read the rest »

Understanding User Intent To Increase Legal Website Traffic

By SLS Consulting on December 28, 2023

Digital marketing connects your law firm with people who are looking for your services. The most effective way to do this is by finding out which types of questions potential clients are asking in Google queries and then designing your marketing campaign to explicitly answer those questions.

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Law Firm “About Us” Pages 101

By SLS Consulting on March 30, 2023

When someone is looking for a lawyer, chances are they have a pretty big problem. Perhaps their daughter was harmed in an automobile collision, or their brother got arrested for domestic abuse. Or maybe their spouse suddenly moved out of the house, and they don’t know where to turn for help.

A potential client is probably feeling a great deal of pain and confusion and a sense that their world is coming apart. What they need most is to feel reassured. You want to convince them that you know how to make things better, and you’ve already helped a lot of people who were in a similar situation.

Your About Us page is probably the second most viewed page on your website after your Homepage. And it’s crucial for converting visitors into leads.faceless outlines of business professionals shaking hands against a purple background. Read the rest »

Building Effective Lawsuit Case Results Pages

By SLS Consulting on March 10, 2023

Choosing the right personal injury lawyer is a huge decision. For many accident victims, prevailing in a personal injury lawsuit is the only way to avoid severe financial hardship. That’s why it’s so important to convince potential clients that you have a successful track record in personal injury cases.

When used effectively, a Case Results page tells people that you have what it takes to win. But you’ll need to do a lot more than provide a list of big settlements. It’s important to format your Case Results page in a way that tells every client’s story.

People have a natural sense of fairness and a desire to see justice prevail. When you tell them what your client was up against and how you helped them secure their future, it’s very compelling.Browser search window modern magnifying glass browser webpage design. Read the rest »

Content Marketing: Don’t Stop at Keywords!

By SLS Consulting on January 10, 2023

People often equate SEO with keywords, and keywords are definitely an important ranking factor. Choosing the right keywords will help your website pages and blog entries achieve high rankings in search engine queries. But SEO has gotten a lot more sophisticated in recent years, and there are several additional strategies required to earn a strong page rank.

Keywords are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what SEO can do for you. And it’s important to remember that ranking at the top of Google searches shouldn’t be your ultimate goal. It’s more essential to have content that will generate leads.purple computer keyboard Read the rest »

Legal Blog Topics That Generate Leads

By SLS Consulting on September 25, 2022

In legal marketing, blog posts can assist your marketing strategy in several ways, but one goal should stand above all others – generating leads and converting them into new clients.

When someone is directed to one of your blog posts through an organic search, chances are they’re looking for a lawyer. They may have been in an accident or they could be facing criminal charges, and they’re trying to learn as much as possible so they can make the right decision.

An effective blog post will put the reader at ease by providing them with useful information. You want to establish authority and convince the reader that you understand their predicament and you know how to help. Ideally, the reader will leave their contact information or call the firm before they leave the website. Read the rest »

How to Best Use Client Reviews

By SLS Consulting on September 5, 2022

The success of your law firm ultimately depends on trust. And people are inclined to believe what other clients have to say about you. That’s why positive customer reviews are a powerful marketing tool for maintaining a strong reputation and attracting new clients.

It’s crucial to encourage satisfied clients to post reviews on Google, Yelp!, Facebook, and other third-party review sites. And negative reviews must be addressed right away to protect your reputation.

Positive customer reviews provide invaluable social proof that your firm is solving people’s problems and improving their lives. When you effectively curate positive reviews, they can be used across marketing channels, including:

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How to Begin Blogging for Your Bail Bond Agency

By SLS Consulting on April 19, 2021

Establishing your authority as an experienced bail bond agent in the search engine results pages (SERPs) requires a robust content-marketing strategy. A major part of this is blogging, which allows you to showcase your knowledge of the bail industry and the various resources available to clients in your area.

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Legal Content That Converts Is King (And Attorney Websites Are Graded Harder)

By SLS Consulting on July 6, 2020

Have you ever visited a great-looking website only to be disappointed in how bad the content was? More times than not, digital marketing firms focus on one or the other. It takes a lot of creativity, revisions, and testing to build a website that not only looks great but provides important information for the user. For law firms hoping to rank for high-value key terms and convert site visitors into clients, informative, easy-to-read content is just as important as the look and feel of your website.

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