Can You Pay to Remove Negative Reviews? Yelpers Can’t…
When it comes to online reviews, one of the most frequently asked questions we receive centers around paid advertising. Specifically, we’re often asked whether or not paying for advertising gives a company more leeway when it comes to removing negative reviews. The short answer to this question is an emphatic NO. However, that’s not to say that paid advertising doesn’t have its benefits.
Many businesses assume that if a review website is willing to offer a premium listing, then that review website must certainly be willing to remove a negative review or two at the business’s request. While there may be some sites out there that are willing to bend the rules for their paying customers, most respectable online review sites (the kind that search engines like Google actually pay attention to) are not willing to compromise their online credibility in order to pacify businesses with negative reviews that also happen to be willing to pay. Read the rest »
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