Is Your Legal Internet Marketing Company Cheating on You????
Less than ONE PERCENT of Legal Internet Marketing companies DO NOT offer exclusivity to their clients. In fact, they take multiple clients per “region,” charge each of them a different rate, and use the same marketing strategies for each. In effect, cheating on you with your competitors! You may be paying twice what your competitor is paying, yet they are ranking above you and getting your cases!
At SLS Consulting, Inc., that is NOT the way we do business at all! We offer complete EXCLUSIVITY to our clients in their geographic and practice areas – many of our clients have multiple geographic areas and some even have EXCLUSIVITY STATEWIDE. With access to all of our clients’ marketing data and Analytics, we don’t feel it would be ethical to work with a competing law firm.
If your Legal Marketing Company is cheating on you with your competitors, or locks you into multi-year contracts to “preserve pricing,” then you should reconsider your options.
Don’t Abandon Ship Yet! Why Google Authorship Is Far From Done
By now you’ve certainly noticed that Google authorship photos are long gone from the SERPs. While your first inclination may be to focus less on your authorship efforts and more on other marketing endeavors, don’t give up on authorship just yet. As we’ve seen in the past, just because a Google product gets put on the back burner for a bit doesn’t mean that its value is completely gone.
One of the most common theories behind why Google has done away with authorship photos has to do with its advertising program. Specifically, many marketers speculate that authorship photos were taking attention away from paid ads in the SERPs. Less attention on ads means fewer clicks, which translates to less revenue coming into Google via AdWords. This theory makes complete sense, and hasn’t really been refuted by most internet marketing professionals. Read the rest »
Google’s Disappearing Authorship: What it Could Mean and Why it’s Important
Back in October, Matt Cutts announced that a 15% reduction to authorship was on the horizon. Now, it looks as though the reduction is beginning to take form, as the number of authorship photos being displayed within search results has started to decrease. While it’s unclear at this time what the motive is behind this move, it could be an indication that Google is again moving towards quality content, perhaps limiting authorship to those individual Google+ profile owners who consistently post updates, are in a larger number of circles, and maintain an active presence on Google+.
When Google introduced authorship, its intent was to help associate specific websites and articles with their authors. Many early adopters added the appropriate snippet of code to their website, and voila…their Google+ profile pictures were now showing up within search results. However, setting up authorship wasn’t as simple as adding specific coding to your website.
Why Google+ is More Important in Your Marketing Efforts than Any Other Social Site
A lot of people turned their noses up at Google+ once it launched. However, chances are very good that none of those people spurning Google’s social site were marketers. Today, Google+ may not be the most popular site in terms of number of users, but it is the most critical to establish a presence on in order to maximize efforts towards ranking well in search results.
Google is very secretive about exactly which factors are taken into consideration as part of its search rankings algorithm. However, it should always be assumed that when it comes to Google, any product the search engine giant peddles has some sort of significance, particularly as part of its ranking system. Google+ is no exception to this rule.
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