SLS Consulting, Inc. Named “Top Web Design Company” by DesignRush
DesignRush is a leading consumer guide that helps people locate the best professional marketing agencies. They have listings for over 20,000 agencies in 50 countries. DesignRush analyzes thousands of agencies and ranks top firms based on their ability to provide SaaS services, including web design and digital marketing.
For our “expertise in web design, legal marketing, SEO, content marketing, and more,” SLS Consulting, Inc. was recently named a “Top Web Design Company” by DesignRush. We are very pleased to be recognized for the service we provide to our clients.
SLS Consulting, Inc. is a full-service digital marketing agency with considerable experience in legal marketing. We’ll streamline your marketing efforts to ensure the best return on investment. When you partner with SLS Consulting, Inc., we always keep you informed and involved with our marketing strategy. Read the rest »
SLS Consulting Wins Award for Top 10 Legal Website Design
DesignRush, known for its web design awards, has chosen our design to be featured among the Best Legal Website Designs That Enforce Visual Law and Order.
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Congratulations to the 2021 Emerging Influencers Winners
Since May, SLS Consulting, Inc. has been flooded with essays from ambitious individuals looking to return to school and pursue their truly passions. We are grateful for the chance to hear all of your stories and had the tough task of selecting our finalists back in July. Now, after much debate, we are ready to announce the two winners of the Emerging Influencers Scholarship who will each win a $500 award.
Congratulations to the 2021 Emerging Influencers Finalists
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up every industry in the world, and many of us are still adapting even as we edge nearer to reopening again. It brought uncertainty to everyone’s lives, but also the opportunity to grow and change for the better. Whether you found your true passion during lockdown or decided that you want to shift careers in these times, pursuing a higher education is key to your journey.
The Communicator Awards Honors SLS for WRSH’s Website
As we near the halfway point of 2021 and the potential end of the pandemic, SLS Consulting, Inc., has been looking back at the successes we have had over the years. Our team always strives to give clients the highest quality of our work, whether that be a responsive website or a robust marketing campaign. The real reward for us is the satisfaction of our clients and their successes, but we are also honored when our work is acknowledged by outside parties. That is why we are truly honored to accept a 2021 Award of Excellence in the 27th Annual Communicator Awards for our work on Wingate, Russotti, Shapiro & Halperin, LLP’s website.
SLS Consulting, Inc., Announces the 2021 Emerging Influencers Scholarship
As the world begins to open up again, we at SLS Consulting, Inc., are looking toward the future. People are ready to rebuild their lives and get back out into the world after a rough year, and we want to do our part to help out. That is why we are launching the Emerging Influencers Scholarship for 2021.
12 Years and Still Going Strong
SLS Consulting, Inc. founder Susan L. Ziegler and her team are very honored to receive the Pasadena Hall of Fame Award for Website Design and Development. This is the 12th consecutive year that SLS Consulting, Inc. has received this award due to the team’s devotion to improving and growing with developments in the legal marketing industry. Names SLS Consulting, Inc. One of the Best Advertising Agencies in Pasadena
As we move into the second half of 2020, we at SLS Consulting, Inc. are busy expanding our clients’ reach and building out their caseloads, albeit remotely. Even amidst the sudden changes of the Stay at Home Order and COVID-19, we have not let it slow us down. In fact, we are working harder than ever. We are excited to announce that has selected SLS Consulting, Inc. to receive the Best Advertising Agencies Award for 2020. This award only goes to the top 19 agencies in Pasadena and we are proud to join the ranking. employs a rigorous selection process to choose its winners, reviewing an agency’s reputation, credibility, experience, availability, and professionalism. Among the 39 agencies selected, only 31 reach the curated list before the final 19 are awarded this prestigious accolade.
SLS Consulting Named #1 of Top 5 SEO Companies
We’ve often compared the world of SEO marketing to the Wild West, but it’s nice to know there are sheriffs out there, separating the good from the bad. And one of them is Rising Star Reviews, which ranks local SEO experts based off of client reviews.
Since we at SLS Consulting, Inc., work with a small subset of trained professionals (lawyers) when we provide our internet marketing services, we know the value of third-party organizations when it comes to separating the wheat from the chaff.
How did Rising Star Reviews come to this decision? Once they certify a business like SLS, they look at our client reviews from Google, Yelp, and UpCity. You have to have at least 5 reviews and an average rating of 4 stars across those platforms to be eligible for ranking. It’s important to note that this rating cannot be purchased!
You can have a look at our number 1 ranking here.
If you have any questions about what we do, or why you need a marketing firm to help you with website design and SEO, give us a call at (323) 254-1510.
Meet Us in St. Louis at PILMMA Super Summit 2018!
Since 2009, PILMMA—also known as Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association—has been helping personal injury and disability attorneys network and learn more about the fast-paced world of digital marketing.
And since 2017, SLS Consulting, Inc., has been on the ground at PILMMA’s once-a-year main event, meeting and greeting attendees and handing out FREE, no-obligation website audits. Unlike other lawyer marketing businesses, SLS is a boutique firm that practices true exclusivity—we only take one client per practice area in a geographic region, and devote ourselves to that client. Still, we’ll be happy to do your audit no matter where you’re located, and more than happy to point you in the right direction for your marketing.
Last year we had a great time in Nashville; this year, you can “meet us in St. Louis” for PILMMA Super Summit 2018. Missouri at the end of summer? Sure, why not? The Super Summit will run from September 12–14, 2018, so if you’re anywhere in the area, we’d love for you to come out and see us! Read the rest »
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