Time is crucial. You must respond to all queries as quickly as possible or one of your competitors will end up signing a client that could have been yours.
Missed calls will cost you clients, so the person who answers the phone at your law firm must begin the intake process right away.
There are four essential steps for converting calls into clients:
- Develop a consistent intake process.
- Identify the number of qualified leads your office receives.
- Measure the number of qualified leads you convert.
- Refine your intake process to increase your conversion rate.
Your Marketer Gets You the Calls You Need
A digital marketer’s job is to get qualified leads or people interested in your services. These potential clients will be calling you, emailing you, or filling out submission forms on your website.
The cornerstone of an inbound marketing campaign is your website. Our marketing team at SLS Consulting, Inc. will make sure your website has the necessary components to attract clients in your area who are seeking your services. To achieve this, we’ll upgrade your current website or build you a new one.
An effective law office website guides visitors along the buyer’s journey and persuades them to contact your firm, with your phone number displayed prominently throughout the site.
How to Respond to a Call
A potential client calling your firm has a severe problem and may even be experiencing the worst crisis of their life. Perhaps their son has been arrested, or a family member has been fatally injured in an automobile crash.
People in these situations need to be handled with care. If your firm automatically directs callers to voicemail, you’ll miss out on a lot of clients.
The person at your firm who takes incoming calls must be calm, compassionate, knowledgeable, and professional. They must ask the right questions and know when to hand the caller to an attorney.
You may have a designated person in your office that takes incoming calls, such as an office manager or paralegal. Receptionists can also be trained on how to conduct the intake process.
Every call is different, so you’ll want to provide your intake specialist with a flexible script that includes essential questions to ask but still allows them to address a caller’s individual needs. The person who answers incoming calls should do the following:
- Answer calls by the third ring.
- Treat every caller like a potential client.
- Ask for permission to record the call for training purposes.
- Ask follow-up questions to get important information.
- Write down everything the caller says.
- Ask for the client’s name and contact information.
- Ask what the best time is to reach the client.
- Have FAQ answers available.
- Use an inviting and professional tone.
- Never repeat a question. Instead, say, “I have the following information. Is this correct?”
- Decide if it’s the type of case that your firm wants to handle.
- Relay client information before passing the call to an attorney.
The Power of a Live, Compassionate Voice
When someone reaches out to your firm, the sooner you talk to them, the better. A live voice is much more comforting than a text, email, or recorded message. There’s no excuse for missing a call during business hours, but if you do, you’ll want to get back to them as soon as possible to ensure they don’t move on to a different firm.
If you snooze, you lose, so responding to all types of queries is crucial, whether emails, voicemails, or submission form entries. Choosing an answering service that connects callers with someone from your office 24/7 will attract and satisfy clients.
Want a Better Website?
At SLS Consulting, Inc., we know how to make a world-class website and have the design awards to prove it.
Our websites have a conversion rate of five to seven percent, which is significantly higher than the industry average of only two to three percent.
Contact SLS Consulting, Inc. to schedule a FREE consultation today by calling (323) 254-1510.
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