Don’t get us wrong—pay-per-click advertising is a great way to obtain paid leads. However, just because you’re getting leads doesn’t mean those leads are actually converting (or that they’re even quality leads). The biggest misconception we hear about PPC is that it’s the only thing you need to grow your practice. This idea couldn’t be FURTHER from the truth.
At SLS Consulting, Inc., we oversee pay-per-click campaigns for many of our clients. Does that mean that we ONLY focus on PPC for these clients? Of course it doesn’t! PPC is one specific strategy for lead generation, and we never recommend that our clients put all of their eggs in one basket, so to speak.
How Should PPC and SEO Work Together?
PPC works best when every aspect of your overall marketing campaign is working in unison. That means your website design is modern and pleasing to the eye, your content provides value to the reader, and your site structure is built to be as simple as possible for a person to navigate. You’ve taken user experience in mind, and you’re well aware of the various paths the user could take before contacting the firm about a case consultation. You’ve branded yourself as an authority in your respective practice area, and you’ve made it a point to highlight your firm’s personality and community initiatives via your social media profiles. All in all, you’ve done everything you possibly can to make sure that people searching for a lawyer in your area will pick you over your competition. Couple all of this with an effective PPC campaign, and you’re in a great spot! However, if you solely focus on PPC, you’re disregarding the brunt of your marketing efforts and you’re bound to be frustrated with your results.
What Kind of Marketing Company Should I Work With?
Don’t get suckered into signing with a marketing company that’s going to focus solely on one aspect of your web marketing—such as PPC. Don’t sign with a company that can’t handle every single piece of the marketing puzzle. And certainly don’t sign with a company that promises to deliver leads, but does little to improve your website’s ability to convert those leads into clients. At SLS Consulting, we’re all about providing you with a return on your investment. The biggest difference between us and our competition is simple—we’re smart investors, and we realize that a diversified marketing strategy portfolio is going to pay much greater dividends in the long run than sinking your entire investment into one strategy.
Want to talk to a legal marketing firm that takes a holistic approach to SEO marketing? Give our team a call at (323) 254-1510.
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