Understanding User Intent To Increase Legal Website Traffic

By SLS Consulting on December 28, 2023

Digital marketing connects your law firm with people who are looking for your services. The most effective way to do this is by finding out which types of questions potential clients are asking in Google queries and then designing your marketing campaign to explicitly answer those questions.

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How Trustworthiness Affects Law Firm SEO

By SLS Consulting on December 14, 2023

E-E-A-T is a set of guidelines developed by Google to evaluate and engineer the algorithms that control search engine queries. Many digital marketers believe that trustworthiness is the most influential of the four E-E-A-T criteria.

Improving factors related to trustworthiness, as stated by Google, is an effective strategy for increasing your website’s organic traffic. There are several steps that you and your digital marketer can take to improve trustworthiness.

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What Are Google Bots and How Do They Affect Law Firm SEO?

By SLS Consulting on November 27, 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of creating a website that ranks at the top of the page in Google search queries when people in your area are looking for your services.

Effective SEO requires hard work and technical expertise, but it really isn’t that difficult to explain. A lot of digital marketers try to dazzle clients by using a bunch of fancy jargon, but your marketing agency should be able to clearly tell you what they are doing and how it works.A blank purple webpage with a robot in the middle and two blank chat texts coming from him. Read the rest »

How Competitor Analysis Improves Law Firm SEO

By SLS Consulting on November 10, 2023

The best way to thrive in any field is to find out what’s working for your competitors and do it better. No matter what type of law you practice, you are competing with your peers for a limited number of clients in your area. That’s why it’s so important to know what type of services your peers are offering and the marketing techniques they are using to attract new leads.

Digital marketers have tools to pinpoint the successful marketing techniques that local attorneys are using. This information allows you to build your own winning strategy.Animated stairs with a person on each stair looking at the next height. Read the rest »

Why Fast Page Speed Is Important for Legal Websites

By SLS Consulting on October 20, 2023

You may have heard the expression “speed kills,” but when it comes to your website, it’s the other way around. A website that takes too long to load will cause you to lose customers, decrease your conversion rate, and lower your visibility in organic Google searches.

There are several design factors that influence page loading speed, and it’s your digital marketer’s job to design and maintain a website that loads as quickly as possible on all types of devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.Pastel pink and purple website mock up. Read the rest »

SLS Consulting, Inc. FAQs

By SLS Consulting on October 10, 2023

At SLS Consulting, Inc., we’ve been providing digital marketing solutions for law firms across the country for over 20 years. Here are some of the most frequent questions we hear from our clients.

What Is SEO?

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a series of strategies that marketers use to improve your visibility in Google searches and direct more traffic to your website. The most important aspects of SEO are website content, links, and website design.FAQ spelled out on wooden blocks. Read the rest »

What Are the Google Ranking Factors for Law Firm SEO?

By SLS Consulting on August 30, 2023

Digital marketing is a multibillion-dollar industry. A major component of your law firm’s digital marketing campaign is attracting organic traffic to your website. When potential clients in your area search for the services you provide, you want to rank at the top of the page.

The Google algorithms that determine search engine results are the company’s most important asset, so much of the information about how these algorithms work is confidential. But Google does provide general information about their ranking factors, and they inform the public about major algorithm updates.

Digital marketers are constantly scrambling to adjust to Google algorithm updates, such as Panda, Penguin, Medic, YMYL, Hummingbird, and Vicinity. In addition to these major updates, Google algorithms are evolving daily thanks to AI technology.Purple desktop computer with SEO and other settings in cartoon form Read the rest »

How Lead Magnets Can Attract Law Firm Clients

By SLS Consulting on August 15, 2023

Generating leads new leads is crucial for growing your law firm. Unfortunately, potential clients are understandably reluctant to do business with someone they don’t know. Referrals are a great way to build trust with potential clients, but sooner or later, you are going to have to start reaching out to people that you don’t have any previous connection with.

Cold calls are an extremely difficult way to generate new clients. People don’t want to be bothered, and there’s no reason for them to trust someone they haven’t met.

A lead magnet is a great way to establish trust and turn a stranger into a client. But it takes research, the right strategy, and a lot of hard work to develop an effective lead magnet campaign.Attracting potential customers. Advertising company for the involvement of visitors to the site, store, exhibition. Increase sales and profits. Marketing communications aimed at the target audience. Read the rest »

Is LinkedIn Marketing Right for Your Law Firm?

By SLS Consulting on July 30, 2023

LinkedIn is the largest online professional network in the world, with over 200 million users in the United States and 900 million users globally. Over 93 percent of lawyers use LinkedIn. People generally think of LinkedIn as a networking website, but it’s also a powerful B2B marketing tool.

LinkedIn offers unrivaled marketing opportunities for lawyers, especially if your law firm is seeking new clients in particular fields, such as real estate, hospitality, telecommunications, or finance. The main advantage you get with LinkedIn compared to Facebook and other social media channels is advanced targeting. LinkedIn allows you to segment potential leads based on their position within the company, interests, education, demographics, associations, and other important traits.

Although the platform provides unique opportunities for turning a cold audience into hot leads, many nuances make LinkedIn marketing challenging for the uninitiated user. You’ll want to research the site before seeking new clients on LinkedIn, or you can trust your LinkedIn campaign with an experienced digital marketing firm.Linkedin homepage is displayed in web browser on a computer screen. Linkedin.com is a business-oriented social networking site." Read the rest »

Can a Podcast Help You Attract New Law Firm Clients?

By SLS Consulting on July 20, 2023

A podcast is an outstanding way to increase your firm’s visibility. With a small investment, you can efficiently reach a vast audience, as well as showcase your knowledge and personality. A successful podcast enhances brand awareness and improves your standing within the legal community. You can use social media, your website, and other channels to promote your podcast, and you can also integrate your podcast into your overall digital marketing campaign.

Doing a regular podcast can be lots of fun, but it requires a significant time commitment, including planning, research, and postproduction. There’s a considerable amount of competition out there, so you’ll want to find an appealing niche and develop a format that will attract listeners.Selective focus of mouth of young smiling women recording podcast and doing live streaming using microphone and headphones in recording studio Read the rest »